10 January 2024


 LGBTQIA+ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or sometimes questioning), intersex, asexual, and others. The "plus" represents other sexual identities, including pansexual and Two-Spirit. The first four letters of the acronym have been used since the 1990s, but in recent years there has been an increased awareness of the need to be inclusive of other sexual identities to offer better representation. 

 Rainbow-Striped Pride flag

The acronym is used to represent a diverse range of sexualities and gender-identities, referring to anyone who is transgender and/or same/similar gender attracted.

What Does Each Letter Mean?

  1. L (Lesbian): A lesbian is a woman/woman-aligned person who is attracted to only people of the same/similar gender.
  2. G (Gay): Gay is usually a term used to refer to men/men-aligned individuals who are only attracted to people of the same/similar gender. However, lesbians can also be referred to as gay. The use of the term gay became more popular during the 1970s. Today, bisexual and pansexual people sometimes use gay to casually refer to themselves when they talk about their similar gender attraction.
  3. B (Bisexual): Bisexual indicates an attraction to all genders. The recognition of bisexual individuals is important, since there have been periods when people who identify as bi have been misunderstood as being gay. Bisexuality has included transgender, binary and nonbinary individuals since the release of the "Bisexual Manifesto" in 1990.
  4. T (Transgender): Transgender is a term that indicates that a person's gender identity is different from the gender associated with the sex they were assigned at birth. 
  5. Q (Queer or Questioning): Though queer may be used by people as a specific identity, it is often considered an umbrella term for anyone who is non-cisgender or heterosexual. But it is also a slur. It should not be placed on all members of the community, and should only be used by cisgender and heterosexual individuals when referring to a person who explicitly identifies with it. Questioning refers to people who may be unsure of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
  6. Intersex: A term to describe individuals who are born with variations of sex characteristics that do not fit with binary definitions of male or female bodies.1 
  7. Asexual: Sometimes shorted to "ace," this term refers to someone who has little or no sexual attraction; they may, however, experience romantic attraction.
  8. + (Plus): The 'plus' is used to signify all of the gender identities and sexual orientations that are not specifically covered by the other five initials. An example is Two-Spirit, a pan-Indigenous American identity.
  • LGBTQIA+ Acronym Variations

    Other acronym variations that are sometimes used include LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer) and LGBTQQIP2SAA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous, and asexual).

  • History of the LGBTQIA+ Acronym

    Where a variety of orientations and identities had previously been referred to as "the gay community" and later "the gay and lesbian community," the acronym eventually evolved as a way to be more inclusive of other identities.

    Why has the acronym changed over time? One important thing to remember is that words and meanings are always evolving. Bisexual, as defined by Sigmund Freud, originally meant a person was both a man and a woman. Being both a man and a woman is now referred to as bigender (under the transgender umbrella), and bisexuality is attraction to multiple/all genders

Historic Moment for LGBTQIA+

The original acronym has gained more letters designed to help better represent other identities related to sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • Why the “Plus” Matters

    While variations such as LGBT or LGBTQ are often used, many advocates argue that the addition of the “plus” is important and should not be overlooked. The purpose of the acronym is to represent the tremendous diversity of people who are same/similar gender attracted and transgender. The addition of the plus is better able to fully capture that diversity.

    “Coverage of LGBTQ issues has moved beyond simplistic political dichotomies and toward more fully realized representations, not only of the diversity of the LGBTQ community, but also of LGBTQ people’s lives, their families, and their fundamental inclusion in the fabric of American society,” explains GLAAD, or the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

  • Related Terms to Know

    Some other terms that you may see or hear related to the LGBTQIA+ community include:

  • Cisgender: This term refers to individuals whose gender identity corresponds to the gender associated with the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Nonbinary: A person whose gender identity is neither exclusively woman or man.
  • Gender nonconforming: An individual whose gender identity or expression is outside or beyond the traditional masculine/feminine and woman/man norms.
  • A person's gender identity is their internal sense of gender, whether that is woman, man, or a nonbinary gender. A person's gender identity does not necessarily correspond to their sex assigned at birth or with their gender expression. 

    It is also important to understand that gender is not the same as sex. Sex is biological, while gender is influenced by social, cultural, and environmental factors.

  • Why LGBTQIA+ Representation Matters

    The LGBTQIA+ acronym serves an important purpose—not only is it designed to be more inclusive, but it also represents the self-identities of people who are transgender and/or similar gender attracted. 


    The use of the acronym is intended to be an all-encompassing way to recognize different gender identities and sexual orientations. The addition of other identities to the LGBT acronym also plays an important role in recognizing and connecting them to a larger community.

    It also means that these individuals are able to gain greater recognition by society as a whole. Rather than being erased, ignored, or denied, acknowledgment can help foster greater visibility of marginalized identities.

  • Visibility

    Visibility can also help create a greater sense of self-affirmation of a person's identity. Research has found that offering inclusive and affirmative environments is important for LGBTQ+ youth.5 

    Research also suggests that despite safety concerns, being visible as a member of the LGBTQ+ community can be an important way to feel a sense of pride in individual identity.6 Affirming self-identity can help people feel greater self-esteem, self-worth, and boost overall mental well-being. This can be particularly important since representation has long been lacking in mainstream media.

    The good news is that there have been improvements made in recent years to change this. A recent GLAAD report suggests that the representation of LGBTQ characters and relationships on television is higher than ever previously seen on TV.7 This includes greater diversity and visibility of non-binary identities, although the report notes that BIPOC characters are still underrepresented.

    Research and statistics suggest that LGBTQ+ youth have an increased risk of a range of mental health and social issues, often due to or exacerbated by isolation, marginalization, and discrimination based on their orientation or identity.6 Fostering inclusivity and acceptance may be one way to help combat some of these issues.

  • Uses of the LGBTQIA+ Acronym

    The acronym LGBTQIA+ has become more popular and accepted. Terms such as queer are sometimes used as well, but not all members of the community are comfortable with it as it is still a slur.

    When to Use It

    So how do you know when to use the term LGBTQIA+? 

  1. The purpose of the term is to be inclusive of all same-gender attracted and trans people.
  2. Use a specific term if you are talking about issues that may be specific to a particular orientation or identity.
  3. Be specific when talking about individuals. LGBTQIA+ is also an adjective for the community as a whole, not for a single person. For example, you wouldn’t say “Ali is LGBTQIA+”—you’d say “Ali is gay.”
  4. While LGBTQ+ on its own is the most commonly used and probably widely recognized, LGBTQIA+ is more inclusive to the larger community. Even more inclusive variations exist, such as LGBTQI2S (which represents lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, and Two-Spirit). Indigenous people created the term Two-Spirit to separate themselves from Western descriptions of gender and sexual identities, and some feel it is disrespectful to attach Two-Spirit to the acronym because of that.
        • Regardless of what terms people choose to use, what matters is that people have choice in self-identification and that others acknowledge that identity. If someone tells you how they identify, focus on honoring their individual identity.

          If you are interested in learning more about what terms and phrases should be avoided, GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has a reference page that offers helpful information on LGBTQ terms as well as information on terms that are specific to the transgender community.

          • Challenges

            While the goal of this initialism is to raise visibility and boost inclusivity, not everyone agrees about what term or variation to use. The community has been referred to by many words over the years, including many that were intended to be hurtful. So it’s not unusual that the self-descriptors that people use can vary, particularly when it comes to issues related to self-expression, sexuality, and identity.

            LGBT is still prevalent in use and may be preferred by some who feel that the four-letter acronym is a simpler way to represent a wide range of identities. 

            Others may feel left out from the standard four initials, which is why the addition of Q, I, A, and “Plus” can be helpful.

            This doesn’t mean that terminology won’t continue to evolve and shift, particularly as people work to achieve greater representation and acceptance of transgender people especially. 

          • LGBTQIA+ Resources

            If you are interested in learning about LGBTQIA+ issues, there are a number of resources available that can help.

            The goal of using more inclusive terms like LGBTQIA+ is to improve visibility, recognition, and acceptance. It is important to remember that LGBTQIA+ people continue to face discrimination. Transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, in particular, are frequently the target of social and economic marginalization as well as harassment and violence.9

            Terms and definitions are always evolving. When it comes to something as personal as sexuality and gender identity, these terms and definitions can mean different things to different people. While working to understanding and use terms such as LGBTQIA+ can help increase the visibility of people who have faced marginalization and discrimination, it is important to remember that the most important labels or definitions are the ones that people give to themselves. 

            11 September 2023

            2 Decades .......

             1 May 2023 ....

            I turned 20 this year 💪 .  yeahhh babe you read it correct i am 20 not out 😎 ....

            Learned a lot in these 2 decedes ....

            20 of Me ❤

            I spent the last year of my twenties looking back on the decade as a whole and aggregating lessons I learned along the way. I actually journaled and blogged through much of my twenties so I had great reference points for looking back and seeing what was on my mind at any given age. Today I want to share with you 20 of the lessons I learned in my twenties. There's more than just this, of course, but these were the game-changers. My hope is that perhaps one of these lessons gets your wheels turning and is somehow helpful to you.

            20 Lessons I Learned in My Twenties

            1. Everyone has a story.

            2. Pay attention to the cues you are receiving (people will show you how much they value you.)

            3. Say "yes." Try new things. That will help you learn what you really love and you won't have to ask "what if?"

            4. You can love and pursue more than one career path. It's harder than choosing just one. But some people are not meant for just one thing and that is OK!

            5. Getting a second skill is imperative if there is not a huge need for your desired career path. It will help you not live in anguish stressing out about money and it means you'll enjoy contributing to society between gigs.

            6. Tell the world who you are --better yet-- tell the world who you want to be.

            7. People can't put you in a bad mood. You control how you experience the world.

            8. Respect yourself enough to listen to your gut.

            9. Education opens doors.

            10, We regularly need to zoom out and examine our lives. We should ask ourselves, "Are we doing things on purpose?" Is this the direction I want my life to go?"

            11. Internships are career launching pads. Get one. or two. or three.

            12. Social media and the web are tools that can be used for good or for bad. Use them for good!

            13. You never know what is right around the corner, so be intentional and optimistic. Sometimes bad things are around the corner, but it's not worth bringing the future bad into the present by being negative. And sometimes there is something great around the corner--quite often actually. Life is cyclical that way.

            14. Show up to do the work even if you don't feel inspired. You've gotta show up.

            15. If you don't audition you'll never book the part. If you don't write the book it will never be a best-seller. You have to risk rejection and failure. Be brave!

            16.BE A GIRL WITH A MIND, A WOMAN WITH ATTITUDE AND A LADY WITH CLASS: A well-rounded woman is always a good thing. Be smart, be sassy and be kind – sounds easy, right?!


            18. LEAVE A LITTLE SPARKLE WHEREVER YOU GO: Be you and have FUN! Try to be that girl that made everyone feel a little better about themselves.

            19. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN: And guess what?! That is TOTALLY fine! Have a girls night. Take a bath. Watch The Bachelor. Go on a hot date. Do something that you LOVE and that makes you feel good!

            Last but not least 

            20. BE THE REASON SOMEONE SMILES TODAY: I had this on my mirror for a really long time and I saw it every day when I got ready for work. To this day, it is my goal to try to make someone smile. To try to make someone a little happier. Be the reason! YOU have the power.

            So that's my list of twenty things I learned in my twenties. The prospect of learning so much more in my thirties sounds pretty thrilling to me. But tell me, did this list spark a reminder in your mind of lessons you've learned in your current or last phase of life? 

            I would LOVE to hear them.

            09 July 2023

            Spirituality in Life


            Why Is Spirituality Important?

            There is a growing body of evidence indicating that spiritual practices are associated with better health and wellbeing for many reasons, including:

            Contemplative practice is good for you.

            Contemplative practices are activities that guide you to direct your attention to a specific focus—often an inward-looking reflection or concentration on a specific sensation or concept. Many spiritual traditions have a long history of using contemplative practices to increase compassion, empathy, and attention, as well as quiet the mind.
            1. 1- Meditation can induce feelings of calm and clear-headedness as well as improve concentration and attention. Brain researcher Richard Davidson’s research shows that meditation increases the brain’s gray matter density, which can reduce sensitivity to pain, enhance your immune system, help you regulate difficult emotions, and relieve stress. Mindfulness meditation in particular has been proven helpful for people with depression and anxietycancer, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.

            2. 2- Prayer may elicit the relaxation response, along with feelings of hope, gratitude, and compassion—all of which have a positive effect on overall wellbeing. There are several types of prayer, many of which are rooted in the belief that there is a higher power that has some level of influence over your life. This belief can provide a sense of comfort and support in difficult times—a recent study found that clinically depressed adults who believed their prayers were heard by a concerned presence responded much better to treatment than those who did not believe.

            3. 3- Yoga is a centuries-old spiritual practice that aims to create a sense of union within the practitioner through physical postures, ethical behaviors, and breath expansion. The systematic practice of yoga has been found to reduce inflammation and stress, decrease depression and anxiety, lower blood pressure, and increase feelings of wellbeing.

            4. 4- Journaling is another, often overlooked, contemplative practice that can help you become more aware of your inner life and feel more connected to your experience and the world around you. Studies show that writing during difficult times may help you find meaning in life’s challenges and become more resilient in the face of obstacles.

            5. A spiritual community can improve your life.

              Many spiritual traditions encourage participation in a community. Spiritual fellowship, such as attending church or a meditation group, can be sources of social support which may provide a sense of belonging, security, and community. Strong relationships have been proven to increase wellbeing and bolster life expectancy, which is perhaps why one study found a strong association between church attendance and improved health, mood, and wellbeing.

            6. Spiritual strength can help you overcome hardships.

            7. Dr. Steven Southwick’s book, Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges, describes how some people overcome  trauma—such as abduction, war, and imprisonment—by seeking comfort in spirituality or religion. He gives examples where spiritual people find ways to “meet the challenge and continue with purposeful lives…they bounce back and carry on.”

              Having a strong spiritual outlook may help you find meaning in life’s difficult circumstances. Southwick describes the story of a woman who overcame the post-traumatic stress following an abduction and rape by believing that her trauma “served as a platform for her personal development, forcing her to evaluate her life and gradually change it for the better. She credits her ability to move forward with her life…to her dedication to spirituality.”

              The spiritual practice of recognizing the interconnectedness of all life can also help buffer the pain that comes with difficult experiences. Researcher Kristin Neff says that “if we can compassionately remind ourselves in moments of falling down that failure is part of the shared human experience, then that moment becomes one of togetherness rather than isolation. When our troubled, painful experiences are framed by the recognition that countless others have undergone similar hardships, the blow is softened.”

            1. Spiritual people make healthier choices.

              Adhering to a particular spiritual tradition may bring an indirect health benefit because many traditions have rules about treating the body with kindness and avoiding unhealthy behaviors. Research shows that perhaps because of these tenets, people who practice a religion or faith tradition are less likely to smoke or drink, commit a crime, or become involved in violent activity, and they are more likely to engage in preventative habits like wearing seatbelts and taking vitamins.

            2. Spirituality may help you live longer.

              An exhaustive review that compared spirituality and religiousness to other health interventions found that people with a strong spiritual life had an 18% reduction in mortality. Giancarlo Lucchetti, lead author of the study, calculates that the life-lengthening benefits of spirituality can be compared to eating a high amount of fruits and vegetables or taking blood pressure medication.

              Although some researchers have suggested that the extent of spirituality’s benefit on health is exaggerated, most researchers agree there is a positive relationship between religious and spiritual practices and better health outcomes.

            3. Forgiveness is good medicine.

              Letting go of blame and negative feelings after a hurtful incident is a practice that is reflected by a number of spiritual traditions, including Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism. Modern science shows the health benefits of forgiveness are numerous: better immune function, longer lifespan, lowered blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health, and fewer feelings of anger or hurt.

            21 June 2023


              SMALL ACT OF KINDNESS.
            I was walking home from school one day when I noticed a small, black cat slinking along the street. It wasn’t the first cat I’d seen, as cats were quite common in the neighborhood, but this one stood out. Its movements weren’t erratic; it moved with a purpose, its eyes darting from side to side, seeming to take in its surroundings.
            Curious, I watched it for a bit, intrigued by its behavior, and that’s when I noticed the particular way it was looking at me. It wasn’t with indifference or fear, as other cats often do, but with an intent, almost demanding gaze. I stared back. We stood there for a moment, the cat and I, before it broke away and continued on its way. I wasn’t sure what to make of it, but I followed it. I kept a fair distance but still stayed close enough to keep an eye on the feline and saw that it was a male.
            He led me down a path I had never taken before. We wandered through old, forgotten streets and alleys. I kept expecting it to turn off somewhere, but it never did. The cat seemed to know exactly where it was going. After a while, I recognized some sights and realized that it was leading me home.
            My apartment building was in a run-down part of town, and I’m a young nineteen-year-old girl, so I was always on the lookout for potential danger. But the cat, while skittish, seemed to lead me away from any potential trouble. I followed him up the stairs and through the main entrance. He stopped at my door and mewed, as if to say goodbye. I thanked him and opened the door, and before I could even turn around, it was gone.
            The next day, I was back at school. But my mind was still on the strange cat. I hadn’t seen anything like it before, and I couldn’t help but wonder where he had come from.
            I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even notice when I arrived at the school. As soon as I stepped foot inside, however, I heard a familiar meow. I spun around and there, sitting in the middle of the hallway, was the same cat from the day before.
            He meowed again, and I knew immediately what he wanted. He wanted me to go with him. Intrigued, I grabbed my bag and said yes. I grabbed my bag and followed the cat out of the building, not knowing where he would take me. We walked through the streets for what felt like hours, finally stopping at an old abandoned building. My heart was racing as I peered into the dark doorway, but when I looked down the cat had already gone inside.
            I cautiously stepped into the darkness and heard a chorus of meows that echoed off the walls. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I realized that there were dozens of cats living in this old building, all living together in harmony. I was astonished to see such a large group of cats in one place.
            The cat from before rubbed against my leg and then began walking through the small passages between the kittens and cats. It seemed to lead me somewhere special. We made our way up a few flights of stairs until we reached a room on the top floor. The cat pushed open a door with his paw and revealed an even larger space filled with blankets, toys and food bowls- a makeshift kitty playground!
            There were kittens playing with toys while others snuggled up together on warm blankets and pillows. Some were even taking naps on what appeared to be textbooks.
            I couldn't believe what I was witnessing; these cats had created a safe haven where they could play, sleep, and learn together. I felt myself beginning to tear up as my heart filled with admiration for these brave and resourceful creatures.
            The cat from before-whom I named Blackie- sat next to me, contentedly washing his face as if he wanted me to understand something important about these stray cats: that even though they are often seen as pests or nuisances, they can still do extraordinary things when given half a chance. That’s why it seemed so intent on leading me here, so that I could see this hidden miracle first hand.
            Blackie rubbed against my leg again, making me think he wanted me to stay with them, but I knew that soon enough I would have to go back to the busy streets outside. So I told the cats goodbye and thanked them for allowing me into their special world.

            As I walked away from the building, something inside me felt different. Despite their precarious living situations, these cats still found ways of joyfully going about life—reminding me that no matter how bad a situation might seem, there was always hope if you looked hard enough.
            With determination and motivation, I decided then and there that I would do everything to aid them.
            As soon as I got home, I began researching rescues and shelters nearby while also reaching out to friends, family, and colleagues to see if they had any contacts who might be interested in helping. The response was overwhelmingly positive and soon enough I had multiple offers of people willing to support the cause and some even offering money or food donations.
            I returned later that day with a truck full of supplies purchased with the generous donations from those who supported the cats’ cause. As we unloaded it all into the makeshift kitty playground, it was almost like seeing a dream come true- these cats were finally going to have all the necessities they needed for a comfortable life.
            The kittens ran around with new toys in hand while others curled up on soft blankets for naps or licked their food bowl clean before running off to explore again. It was impossible not to smile as I looked around at each happy cat's face.

            As evening began its descent upon us, we loaded up our things and said our goodbyes. With one last look around at all the furry faces now playing happily with one another.
            Although the future of the stray cats was still uncertain, this small act of kindness had given them more hope - something that no one could ever take away from them. And I couldn't help but feel proud that I took part in it.
            I feel sad that Blackie didn't approach me, but as soon as all volunteers went back, Blackie stepped out of the crowd of cats and seemed to smile at me. He sauntered to me and rubbed his head on my leg. "There you are," I said, putting my hand between perky ears. He purred, and I smiled.
            I walked back home with him with my heart filled with excitement for the future.
            And somehow, after this experience they had given me the courage to bravely pursue my dream of being one of the best vet in the country.