11 September 2023

2 Decades .......

 1 May 2023 ....

I turned 20 this year 💪 .  yeahhh babe you read it correct i am 20 not out 😎 ....

Learned a lot in these 2 decedes ....

20 of Me ❤

I spent the last year of my twenties looking back on the decade as a whole and aggregating lessons I learned along the way. I actually journaled and blogged through much of my twenties so I had great reference points for looking back and seeing what was on my mind at any given age. Today I want to share with you 20 of the lessons I learned in my twenties. There's more than just this, of course, but these were the game-changers. My hope is that perhaps one of these lessons gets your wheels turning and is somehow helpful to you.

20 Lessons I Learned in My Twenties

1. Everyone has a story.

2. Pay attention to the cues you are receiving (people will show you how much they value you.)

3. Say "yes." Try new things. That will help you learn what you really love and you won't have to ask "what if?"

4. You can love and pursue more than one career path. It's harder than choosing just one. But some people are not meant for just one thing and that is OK!

5. Getting a second skill is imperative if there is not a huge need for your desired career path. It will help you not live in anguish stressing out about money and it means you'll enjoy contributing to society between gigs.

6. Tell the world who you are --better yet-- tell the world who you want to be.

7. People can't put you in a bad mood. You control how you experience the world.

8. Respect yourself enough to listen to your gut.

9. Education opens doors.

10, We regularly need to zoom out and examine our lives. We should ask ourselves, "Are we doing things on purpose?" Is this the direction I want my life to go?"

11. Internships are career launching pads. Get one. or two. or three.

12. Social media and the web are tools that can be used for good or for bad. Use them for good!

13. You never know what is right around the corner, so be intentional and optimistic. Sometimes bad things are around the corner, but it's not worth bringing the future bad into the present by being negative. And sometimes there is something great around the corner--quite often actually. Life is cyclical that way.

14. Show up to do the work even if you don't feel inspired. You've gotta show up.

15. If you don't audition you'll never book the part. If you don't write the book it will never be a best-seller. You have to risk rejection and failure. Be brave!

16.BE A GIRL WITH A MIND, A WOMAN WITH ATTITUDE AND A LADY WITH CLASS: A well-rounded woman is always a good thing. Be smart, be sassy and be kind – sounds easy, right?!


18. LEAVE A LITTLE SPARKLE WHEREVER YOU GO: Be you and have FUN! Try to be that girl that made everyone feel a little better about themselves.

19. GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN: And guess what?! That is TOTALLY fine! Have a girls night. Take a bath. Watch The Bachelor. Go on a hot date. Do something that you LOVE and that makes you feel good!

Last but not least 

20. BE THE REASON SOMEONE SMILES TODAY: I had this on my mirror for a really long time and I saw it every day when I got ready for work. To this day, it is my goal to try to make someone smile. To try to make someone a little happier. Be the reason! YOU have the power.

So that's my list of twenty things I learned in my twenties. The prospect of learning so much more in my thirties sounds pretty thrilling to me. But tell me, did this list spark a reminder in your mind of lessons you've learned in your current or last phase of life? 

I would LOVE to hear them.

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